What is Web 3.0 – The Next Web Revolution?
Web 3.0 is the transformation of the internet from a static web page to a dynamic, interactive web that connects everything and everyone. It’s a shift from people using the internet to consume data, to people using the internet to create data and share it with each other.
Web 3.0 is an all-encompassing term that is often used interchangeably with “The Next Web Revolution” – which refers specifically to advancements in blockchain technology and decentralization in particular.
To understand Web 3.0 lets first know what web 1.0 and 2.0 are,
#Web 1.0 (1990–2000)
Web 1.0 was the first stage or iteration of the internet. There were mostly static pages and not many content creators and most internet users were consumers.
#Web 2.0 (2000 till now)
Web 2.0 allowed individuals to publish articles and comments, create accounts (Google, Wikipedia, Facebook , YouTube). It is build around the users, producer to build a way to enable and engage them.
But Web 2.0 has few drawbacks too some are
Lack of control Few centralized companies control your activities.
Lack of privacy They sell your data to generate revenue.
#Web 3.0
Web 3.0 is considered to be the Decentralized , Semantic web that is constructed with Al and also Verifiable , Selfgoverning and Permissionless.
Transparency, Fewer Middlemen
In Decentralization you can follow your own data and inspect the code behind the platforms . It connect providers directly with consumers. No central authority will take a cut of the profits from an electronic transaction.
One major advantage of blockchain and recent advancements in cryptography is that you can secure and track your personal data on the Web.
Data Ownership & Sharing
You’ll own your profile and associated data that you choose to share or not, its accuracy can be verified, and you’ll even be able to sell your data to advertisers.
Web 3.0 Technology and Its Impact on Businesses & Marketers
The Web 3.0 is a new generation of internet technology which is designed to render the traditional web as obsolete. It’s an extension of the hypertext so it parallels the evolution of how people use computers and technology in general.
The rise of Web 3.0 has been attributed to its ability to make internet protocols more efficient and its use by machine learning algorithms. It also offers a better user experience that can cater for many different users with diverse needs. While this technology does allow for more efficiency, it also means that it requires marketers to contend with completely new challenges that have never been faced before such as artificial intelligence software updates, algorithmic targeting, chatbots, and data-driven marketing.
Web 3.0 is a new generation of the Internet that is designed for the masses and it already has a huge impact on businesses. Web 3.0 technology has made possible many new areas of content, such as AR and VR technologies. The web 3.0 revolution in digital marketing has made the process more efficient and effective, which helps marketers to create better customer experiences with fewer resources than before.
Evolution of the Web
Image Source – @Fabric Ventures
The web has been around for a long time. You know the history –
In its basic form, the web was originally a collection of documents on the World Wide Web (WWW) or just ‘the Web’. It was made up of hypertext documents that were published on servers that are connected to each other.
We can now see the beginnings of what we now call Web 2.0 start to take shape as we see more emphasis on interactivity and social software tools like Gmail, Facebook, and Wikipedia.
There is a lot more focus on content curation in Web 3.0. The goal is for people to find content that is relevant to them and act accordingly through various actions such as commenting, sharing, downloading or subscribing. Web 3.0 is a term that describes the evolution of the web as it is currently in its third iteration. Web 3.0 refers to the new way of using digital tools to generate content and influence people.
The next generation of web will be entirely decentralized, with no central authority or server taking care of it, but rather, every individual will have to take care of and secure their own data and devices.
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