Don’t Do These If You Want To Be Rich

If you want to be rich, you should invest your money in a company. If you want to be richer, you should invest your money in another company. If you want to be very rich, you should invest your money in many companies.
This is the advice that Warren Buffet gives people that want to become wealthy and it’s one of the most sensible pieces of advice that we’ve come across yet.
It’s easy for us to understand why this is such sound advice. After all, companies are what make up our entire economy and if we ever want the world to thrive and grow, we need them to succeed.
1. Waking up late.
Waking up early will not only make you feel better, but will give you a head start with your day. You can save yourself from getting caught in traffic, decrease stress levels and most importantly, be at your maximum productivity.
The most important part of a morning routine is to include some exercise. This will help the body wake up and release endorphins that make us happier. Eating breakfast is also important as this starts our metabolism for that day. A good breakfast will give us the energy we need to tackle any obstacles that come our way.
A productive morning routine needs to include three activities: an activity of self-care, an activity of creativity and an activity of exercise. Self-care signifies taking time for yourself-think meditation or reading a chapter from a book.
2. Poor hygiene
There are countless stories of people who have been rejected from jobs or denied entry to prestigious schools because they were not networking enough. You should never stop networking, this is how you make connections with the people who may help you be successful.
Sometimes people can get so caught up in their own work that they forget to put in the time to make connections with the right person. It’s important to put in the time and effort it takes to find someone who can help you.
Some experts say that it’s best not to network online, but instead meet up for coffee or lunch and talk about their experience with them face-to-face.
3. Not taking accountability for your failures.
Successful people are not born successful, they work for it.
What do you think the other 10% is made of? Luck? It’s not. 10% of your success is made up of circumstances. You could be born into a good family, meet the right person at the right time, or be in the right place at the right time. However these circumstances can’t be counted on to make you successful. They’re only part of the equation-just like luck or timing might allow someone to win a game that they otherwise could not have won.
The only person you should be accountable to is yourself. This is because if you don’t take accountability for your failures and keep blaming them on your circumstances, you will never get anywhere.
I think it’s healthy to recognise that the only person we should be accountable to is ourselves. I remember when I was younger, my mum used to say “if you want something done right, do it yourself” and I’ve found this so true in my own life too. It’s always better to take accountability of your own mistakes and learn from them rather than blaming them on external factors that we can’t control.
4. Thinking others should help you.
Nobody owes you anything. Nobody will solve your problems for you. You must take change of your life and don’t blame others. Everybody has their own baggage and nobody owes you anything. You can’t make other people do anything for you. You need to take responsibility for your actions and solve your own problems.
We tend to think that other people should help us. But, the thing is, we should not be too eager for their help. We need to realise that we can’t put all our eggs in one basket and rely solely on somebody else’s help. We need to learn how to solve problems on our own and find solutions by ourselves.
5. Watching too much Netflix or TV.
We are spending an average of 10 hours per day on our phones or laptops, and 2.5 of those are spent watching TV.
The problem is that Netflix binges are so addicting. Watching 2 episodes of a show will take up 30 minutes of your time. And if you keep doing this for 3 hours, without realizing it you’ve wasted the whole day on TV.
The fact that Netflix is so enticing makes it dangerous for people who have trouble with impulse control, because it’s easy to overindulge in the service without realizing how much time has passed.
It can also be a problem for people who have binge eating disorder, because they might use TV as a distraction from their cravings and end up over-eating.
6. Being too consumed with sports.
Playing sports can be an enjoyable activity, but most people see it as primarily benefiting the players. There are some benefits to watching sports, but they are primarily for entertainment purposes.
The TV networks that broadcast these games make a lot of money from advertising and subscriptions, and the companies that manufacture sporting goods such as jerseys and other accessories also benefit from these broadcasts.
But you don’t actually get anything out of watching other people play sports. The only thing the sport industry does is generate money. Players get paid and you don’t. Sports are a big industry that generates a lot of revenue. The players get paid, but the sport industry does not share anything with the viewers.
7. Having no savings.
If you’re one of those people who don’t have an emergency fund, then your properties are always in danger or liquidation, or you may need loans. You would like to avoid this kind of situation and be self-reliant, but it can be hard if you don’t have an emergency fund. This is because the only way out is borrowing money from the bank (and paying them high-interest rates).
8. Surrounding yourself with poor people.
How can you know if the poor person you are surrounding yourself with is actually an inspirational figure?
There are a few key signs that this person is truly uplifting. One of the most important signs is that this person does not push their own agenda on you. Secondly, this person wants to be around you and wants to take care of you. They will only want the best for you and will show an interest in your goals. The final sign is that they have a sense of gratitude for all they have been given in life and they don’t take anything for granted.
9. Eating junk and fast food.
There is a big difference in the quality of food you eat. Fast food and junk food is full of empty calories. What these types of foods do is to keep your brain stimulated with sugar and other unhealthy substances, but they also make you more tired, moody, hungry, and less alert than you were before eating them.
The best way to avoid the negative effects of fast food or junk food is to eat healthy snacks that are high in protein instead. However, there are many other things you should be careful about when it comes to what you take in like how much water you drink, how much sleep you get every day, and so on.
10. Not following through with your goals.
You may have great ideas and dreams, but if you don’t take action and strategize your plan, they will never happen. It’s not enough to have the best idea in the world. You need to follow through with it.
Whether it’s finding a new job, achieving financial independence, or becoming more physically active, it’s important not to let your success slip away by not following through on your goals.
Strategically think out your plan on how you are going to finally stick with your goals and see them through!
The rich are different from you and me. For one, they know how to make money. What’s more, when they stop making it they know how to keep making it.
HabitsMoney MakingMoney ManagementMotivationalRich

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