7 Very Important Rules Of Life

What is life?
This is a question that has plagued philosophers for millennia. The answer to this question varies depending on an individual’s perspective, but there are some things that are clear.
Life is the time in which we exist and experience the world around us. It is characterized by change, growth, decay, and renewal. And whether or not it’s significant to you, life is more important than anything else in the universe because it’s all we have.
1. Hungry dogs are never loyal.
So never be friends with people who talk to you only for their own advantage.
You should be friends with people who like you for who you are and make you feel good about yourself. Never be friends with people who want to use you or make themselves look good by using you.
2. Be like a mirror.
Don’t be kind to everyone. simply be good with the good ones and bad with the bad ones.
Some people will meet you with kindness, and some people will meet you with hostility. The problem is that we are too eager to please the first group of people and not enough for the second group of people because we believe that they are wrong or bad. We should stop being nice or kind to everyone indiscriminately and instead learn how to be good with the good ones and bad with the bad ones.
3. Seek respect not attention.
Attention disappears within seconds while respect lasts way longer.
It is much easier to capture someone’s attention than it is for them to show respect. Attention can be lost within seconds, but respect will last a lot longer. The saying “get rid of the bad apples” implies that you need to get rid of the people who do not deserve your time and energy.
4. Stop pleasing others.
When you try to please everyone, you will end up pleasing nobody. There is a common misconception in the world that in order to be a good friend, you need to be friends with everybody. That’s not true.
You can’t be everyone’s favourite girl/guy so don’t even try to impress each and every person. You shouldn’t go out of your way to please each and every person either. Your primary objective should be pleasing yourself and the people you know really well.
5. Never argue with your haters.
They are just like parasites who suck all the positive energy out of you.
They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
6. Be grateful to the people who support you when everybody else stands against you.
It’s important to appreciate the people who are there for you when everybody else is not. Those who stand by you when times are tough need to know that you’re grateful for their support. The more you appreciate the little things, the more you’ll be able to enjoy life. They are the ones that matter.
7. Never suppress your emotions for a long time.
It is important to understand that suppressed emotions can often lead to long-term consequences such as illness. It is possible for these suppressed feelings to be released in the form of a sudden outburst, which can cause problems at work and personal life. It is best not to suppress feelings for too long as it may lead to serious consequences.
We are finally coming to the end of this long-winded document. Readers, I hope you have found the information provided in these pages helpful. I find it hard to believe that I’ll ever be able to answer some of your questions about rules of life, but my goal is that this page has at least given you some answers.

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