7 Types Of Laziness And How To Overcome Them

Laziness is an issue that many of us face on a day-to-day basis. Laziness is the opposite of productivity, and it can be categorized as behavior which doesn’t lead to any meaningful outcome. This can be seen in irresponsible behavior, apathy, and even procrastination.
The best way to overcome laziness is to identify the points where you are most susceptible to it. For example, if you are most likely to feel lazy at night, then make sure that you have done everything that needs completing for the day before that time comes around. You could also use a list of tasks or milestones that need completing each day as a way of reminding yourself what needs doing next.
Here are the 7 types and how to overcome them.
#1. Confusion: “I don’t know what to do.”
It is not uncommon but all too common for people to feel confused about what to do in any given situation. You are not alone. We all feel this way at one point or another. There are a number of things you can do to help yourself take action and move forward in the way that feels the most comfortable for you.
Allow yourself to be fully immersed in the perplexity. It will be over soon. And then there will be clarity.
#2. Neurotic Fear: “I just can’t .“
Laziness often comes from neurotic fear.
Fear can be debilitating. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of the future. These fears are often rooted in our neurotic parts. Neurotics are thoughts that can get stuck in our head and make us feel like we can’t do anything.
To overcome neurotic fear, admit your fear, allow yourself to feel it, and then take action.
#3. Fixed Mindset: “I’m afraid i will fail or look stupid.”
A fixed mindset is the belief that your intelligence and talent are set from birth, so you cannot change them. It can be a self-fulfilling prophecy as those with a fixed mindset will avoid challenges because they fear looking “stupid” or being “humiliated”.
Mindset are nothing more than beliefs. You can change your mind about your beliefs.
#4. Lethargy: “I’m too tired. I don’t have the energy.”
When it comes to being lethargic, many people have a number of misconceptions. Here are a few common myths about lethargy and the truth behind them.
Embracing the lethargy is often the best way to transcend it. You can also try grounding exercises to unlock your energy.
If that doesn’t work, a 60-second cold shower changes our biochemistry and invigorates our minds.
#5. Apathy: “I just don’t care about anything.”
Apathy comes from a lack of emotion and motivation to complete any tasks. It can be caused by feeling overwhelmed, bored, or just simply not caring about what you’re doing. There are many ways to combat apathy, such as by simplifying tasks and recognizing that no one is perfect.
You might need to develop an inspiring personal vision and identify your personal values.
#6. Regret: “I’m too old to get started. It’s too late.”
It’s never too late to start a new hobby, learn a new skill or start your own business. There are many people who regret not walking away from their job and starting something they were passionate about. Don’t make the same mistake as others and regret not doing what you love because it “might be too late.”
Feel the sense of loss when you hear this voice, and then let it go.
#7. Identify: “I’m just a lazy person.”
When, we hear this voice, it’s a sure sign our lazy part has hijacked us.
Some laziness is absolutely necessary, but it can easily turn into extreme laziness. When the voice inside your head starts saying you don’t need to get up and do anything, it’s time to take action.
Laziness can be expressed, but it never defines who we are.
Laziness is a natural tendency that everyone has at some point in their lives. It’s usually seen when someone is too tired after a long day of work, or they just don’t want to do something they find tedious.
Have a set of goals to work towards. Have a plan of what you want to accomplish on that day, week, or month. Break these down into smaller tasks that are manageable for your current state of mind. Set deadlines for yourself and follow them strictly.

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