7 Habits that can ruin your life

There are a lot of habits that can ruin your life—some more than others. The key is to see which habits you’re not doing and insert them in your life. Habits like waking up early and developing healthy lifestyle habits you can carry with you throughout the day.
Below are the some habits that can ruin your life.
1. Blaming instead of taking responsibilities
It’s easy to blame others for your problems. It’s also convenient. It’s not just easy, it’s also ineffective – because you don’t take any responsibility for your own life.
This is a common problem that people can have when they’re struggling in their personal relationships or in their career.
Here are some steps you can take to stop blaming others and start taking responsibility:
Take time to really examine the situation before jumping right into blaming someone else – Take responsibility for your own feelings and actions by telling yourself that you are the one responsible for what goes on in your life, not anyone else.
2. Comparison
Don’t compare with anyone because it will ruin your life. It takes a lot of effort and time to achieve success in any field.
In the book “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” by Robin Sharma, he mentions that “everyone wants to be like somebody else” phrase often.
We want our idols or role models to have what we do not have, but it is impossible to fulfill these fantasies because everyone is different and has their own strengths and weaknesses. So, don’t compare with someone else because you’ll never be able to live up to them anyway.
3. Thinking Instead of Doing
We all have that voice inside our head that’s telling us we should be doing more and not just thinking about it. We often imagine the amount of work and energy we’ll save if the task is accomplished in a single day. The reality is, many times, thinking about the action doesn’t actually lead to doing it.
4. Telling yourself you’re ‘stuck’
When you feel yourself get stuck in your process, it’s time to take a break and do something else for a while.
So instead of telling yourself, “I am so stuck,” try telling yourself, “I am busy.”
As the saying goes, “we are only as good as our last success” — and that statement is true. Just because you haven’t been able to reach your dreams yet doesn’t mean it is impossible to do so.
5. Caring about what other people think
Not giving a damn about what other people think is one of the most important life lessons. There are definitely times when we’re forced to care, but the more that you can get away from caring about what other people think, the better off you will be.
Don’t worry about how other people feel or what they might say about you behind your back. Just focus on your own happiness and don’t worry about how others are feeling.
6. Perfectionism
We are humans, so we make mistakes. However, one way we can reduce the amount of mistakes we make is by not being perfectionists.
Perfectionism can be detrimental to creativity. Instead, it’s important to be the best at what you do. We should not put too much pressure on ourselves or compare ourselves to others.
We should embrace our imperfections and aim for being the best.
7. Procrastinating
Procrastination is one of the most common and yet most destructive behaviors that undermines productivity. It is one of the key habits that can be improved to increase your personal productivity.
The first step to overcoming procrastination is to identify the triggers that cause you to put off tasks. This can be anything such as seeing your calendar, feeling like you are under pressure, or just not wanting to do it at all.
Once you know what causes these feelings, implementing a strategy can be much easier. This may include taking a break and doing something else for a while, or even taking up an enjoyable activity outside of work which may help distract you from negative thoughts about working on your task.
BehaviourHabitsLife HackLifestyleMotivational