5 Types Of Procrastination And How You Can Beat Them

Procrastination is the act of putting off an action to a later time, typically one that is foreseeable.
Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing an intended course of action.
This article outlines the most common problems that people face with procrastination and offers a range of ways to overcome them.
Procrastination is a common problem. It may happen when you have a task or project that needs to be done, but you keep putting it off. You may even feel good about it in the moment, but then find yourself not making progress on it and worse still, feeling bad about your academic, work or personal life.
There are many reasons for this behaviour – from perfectionism to fear of failure – but the best way to overcome procrastination is by understanding why it happens and then finding strategies that work for you.
Here are 5 types of Procrastination and the cure
The Perfectionist
There are many things in life that we cannot control, but there are many things that we can. For some people one of the most important aspects of their lives is keeping things perfect. They will go to great lengths to make sure everything is always done to perfection.
Many times this can be a disadvantage, because they get caught up in the details and end up spending all their time on minutiae that does not actually matter. Their perfectionism can also lead to them not finishing tasks because they get hung up on small mistakes or changes that they want to make.
Perfectionist are afraid to start the task at hand because they get stressed out about getting every detail right.
In a world of immediacy where everyone is fighting for the spotlight, perfectionism may seem like a good thing. But it’s not always going to work in your favor. You have to be careful about taking on too many projects because then you’re going to run the risk of doing a mediocre job on all your tasks and missing out on opportunities.
Be clear about the purpose of tasks and assign a time to each to deal with Procrastination.
The Dreamer
Dreamer enjoy making the ideal plan more than taking action.
It’s easy to dream about what you want to do, but actually taking action is much harder. The ability to follow through with your desires requires discipline and dedication.
Dreamers are the daydreaming, creative types who live in a world of possibilities. They have an endless imagination and love to imagine what could be, but often don’t take the necessary actions to turn those dreams into reality. They can also be indecisive and often find themselves weighing all of their options before committing to any decision.
Deconstruct the task into smaller bite-sized chunks.
If you read a 100-page book, set your focus into reading one page at a time, one after another.
The Avoider
An Avoider is someone who avoids what they are afraid of. They might avoid situations where they feel like they are in danger. An Avoider might stay away from any kind of social situation, because the social aspect triggers their fear. They also might avoid places that remind them of bad memories.
Focus on the worst first task to tackle this type of Procrastination. Spend your morning working on what you find the most challenging.
This will give you a sense of achievement, and it helps you build momentum for productive day ahead.
The Crisis-Maker
A crisis-maker deliberately pushes back work until the last minute, not thinking about the consequences of their actions.
This is a very common behavior in some people. They wait for the last minute to do their work and then start panicking because they haven’t done it yet. They might even skip important steps just to get it done on time. This is not good for your work quality because you might make mistakes or miss important parts of your assignment if you don’t take your time with it.
They find deadlines (the crisis) exciting and believe that they work best when working under pressure.
The Busy Procrastinator
They trouble choosing what to do with their time when they have a lot of work to do.
A high level of stress can put a lot of strain on the body and mind. That’s why it’s important to find ways to reduce stress at work. One way is to prioritize tasks by importance, difficulty, and time required. The more difficult tasks should be completed first because they require the most time and energy to complete.
They don’t know how to choose the task that’s best for them and postpone making any decisions. Prioritizing the tasks on your schedule is a good way to tackle it as it highlights what needs to get done first.
Procrastination is a huge obstacle in our lives. It not only blocks us from completing our goals, but it also has a detrimental effect on the quality of work we produce.
One strategy to overcome procrastination is to give ourselves daily deadlines for tasks. We should never aim for the impossible, but rather set reasonable deadlines that are doable.
We should also reward ourselves after every accomplishment with things that make us happy – whether it’s watching TV or eating our favorite food.
This article may helps you to overcome Procrastination.
BehaviourLifeLife HackMotivationalProcrastination

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